Doing What I love

Doing What I love

Doing what I love:

I’ve always had a knack for caring and treating sick animals and raising all those baby calves over the years. The farm and the animals always brought me peace.  My mentor was Dr. Breitenstein, our large animal Veterinarian. I was mesmerized by his ability to make my cows better, a hero without a cape!!! I’m sure our farm was one of the most annoying stops he made, I was always in his way…just trying to be helpful, learning what I could, asking lots of questions, fetching stuff he might need…

I just knew I would have to be involved in veterinary medicine somehow, some way, when I grew up, but what would that look like?  I was the first in the family to go to college.  Though I would start off at a 2 year technical college to play it safe, failure is not an option for me. I completed my 2 year degree and became licensed as a Veterinary Technician. This was not going to provide me with financial independence or any kind of wealth, but I love the profession. I transferred, received a 4 year degree, from a rather prestigious college, which has provided me with over 25 years in the animal health industry. I laugh, that career supports my “bad habits” of cows and the farm. Praise the lord! And thank goodness for the peace and severity the farm provides for me and a way of life to raise my family!

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